jimmy carter

Carter Was Right to Meet With Hamas

Apr 21, 2008
What separates Jimmy Carter from the neocons, other than a Nobel Prize, is his genuine desire to negotiate a Middle East peace settlement, and that means talking to everyone.
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Jimmy Carter: Guess Who I?m For

Apr 4, 2008
The former president and superdelegate wouldn't tell a Nigerian reporter which of the Democratic candidates he intends to support, but he offered a pretty good hint: "Don't forget that [Barack] Obama won in my state of Georgia. My town, which is home to 625 people, is for Obama. My children and their spouses are pro-Obama. My grandchildren are also pro-Obama."

Grammy Tops Off Obama’s Winning Weekend

Feb 11, 2008
Maine caucus-goers and Grammy voters gave Barack Obama two more wins on Sunday, rounding out a weekend of victories in four states with the Grammy trophy for best spoken word album for his recording of "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream." Here's the kicker: Obama beat out former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter for the Grammy.

Jimmy Carter: Bush Will Make a Good Ex-President

Oct 25, 2007
Jimmy Carter told the new Web site Guardian America that, compared to the Bush presidency at least, George W. Bush will make a "very good" ex-president. Carter also said of Hillary Clinton's seemingly insurmountable lead in the polls: "One thing I know is that, this far ahead of time in the past, it's been impossible to predict the outcome of the election."

Sunday Saber Rattling

Oct 16, 2007
The hawks have taken to the Sunday morning air to beat the war drums over Iran, while those who oppose them, including former President Jimmy Carter, try to prevent a disaster worse than Iraq. TPM TV has this roundup.

Carter Has Had Enough

Oct 11, 2007
Jimmy Carter was en fuego during a chat with Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday, blasting the Bush administration for torturing people, the GOP candidates for racing to the fringe and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for refusing to commit to a full withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

Tear Down That Wall

Sep 14, 2007
I sat down with former President Jimmy Carter last week at the Carter Center in Atlanta. The Center was hosting a conference of human rights defenders, people at the front lines confronting repressive regimes around the globe. After a quarter-century of humanitarian work through the Carter Center, monitoring elections, working to eradicate neglected tropical diseases and focusing on the poor, Jimmy Carter now finds himself at the center of the storm in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Why Bush Is the Worst President Ever

May 27, 2007
Bill Maher explains why he thinks Jimmy Carter was right (before he changed his tune) when he said that George W. Bush is the worst president ever. Although, as the "Real Time" host points out, you don't get to be the worst without just a little help from the opposition.