Alexander Reed Kelly / TruthdigJun 13, 2015
A video roundtable hosted by Truthdig Assistant Editor Alexander Reed Kelly explains why the IMF, Europe and Western corporations don’t have the country’s best interests at heart. Dig deeper ( 10 Min. Read )
Alexander Reed Kelly / TruthdigFeb 14, 2015
Jeffrey Sommers, senior fellow at the University of Wisconsin’s Institute of World Affairs, is “cautiously optimistic” that a deal aimed at ending hostilities in Ukraine’s Donbass region will terminate the nearly yearlong civil war. (Pictured is Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.) Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Alexander Reed Kelly / TruthdigFeb 9, 2015
NATO encroachment, stinging sanctions and civil war at the border. Political economist Jeffrey Sommers, an expert on the evolution of the former Soviet states, carefully describes the impinging economic and geographic forces shaping decision-making by Moscow's elite. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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By Jeffrey Sommers and Michael Hudson, CounterPunchMar 17, 2014
The Crimean population's only protection from U.S.-sponsored regional and ethnic political division comes from Russia. That is the gift Obama has given Putin, making him a defender of Ukraine rather than the aggressor. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
By Jeffrey Sommers and Michael Hudson, TruthoutMar 2, 2014
When other countries seek to defend a multi-ethnic secular state, the U.S. foreign office has backed the fundamentalists for nearly the past half-century in all cases. This should be the subtext for reporting on the Ukrainian uprising that seems to have been carefully timed to coincide with Sochi. Dig deeper ( 8 Min. Read )
By Jeffrey Sommers and Yanis Varoufakis, CounterPunchFeb 28, 2014
Ironically, the very New Deal legacy that austerians work to euthanize in the U.S. is the chief thing that has prevented the country's economy from completely crashing. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
By Jeffery Sommers and Michael HudsonFeb 27, 2014
Nothing would go further toward rebuilding prosperity in Russia than a national program to transform the country’s infrastructure. Sochi has shown the way forward, and that is the real story the Western media have sidestepped. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
Alexander Reed Kelly / TruthdigApr 9, 2013
The deceased prime minister's 11-year rule over the U.K. "was historic mainly by posing the conundrum that has shaped neoliberal politics since 1980: How can governments nurture and endow financial kleptocrats" with the consent of the people? Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
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