
Who Won Iraq?

Jun 19, 2014
Bush and his top officials remade reality in Iraq on an almost unimaginable scale and, as we study the region today, the results bear no relation to the world they imagined creating. On the other hand, there were two dreams they had that, after a fashion, did come into existence.

‘A Third Iraq War?’

Jun 18, 2014
The breakdown in Iraq means that "the Middle East map -- defined by European powers a century ago -- may be redrawn, either de facto or formally," regional expert Robin Wright writes at The New Yorker. And "globally, the jihadist threat has never been greater."
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Hawks Push for Iraq War, Rule of Law Prevents It

Jun 16, 2014
The same people who got the US into the mistaken Iraq War are urging President Obama to use military force there again But both U and international law do not permit the president to attack Iraq without congressional and UN authorization.

‘Left, Right & Center’: Eric Cantor Goes Down to Defeat and Debating Iraq

Jun 14, 2014
Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer and the other "Left, Right & Center" panelists discuss House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's unexpected loss to a tea party challenger. The National Review's Rich Lowry calls it "one of the most stunning upsets any of us have ever witnessed." Scheer says the defeat is "a response to pain" in the region. And what should the U.S. do as Sunni insurgents advance in Iraq?