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Huckabee on the Rise

Dec 20, 2007
Just two weeks shy of the Iowa primary, the contest for the Republican presidential nomination has shifted into high gear, with former Arkansas governor (note to aspiring politicos: Arkansas is apparently not the worst place to cultivate presidential ambitions) Mike Huckabee rising quickly through GOP ranks to take the lead.

The Fight of Her Life

Dec 18, 2007
The Democratic contest in Iowa -- and possibly the battle for the party's presidential nomination -- hangs on whether Hillary Clinton can use the next two weeks to encourage second thoughts about Barack Obama, and get voters to take a second look at her.

The Electability Canard

Dec 12, 2007
Ari Berman takes a look at the Democrats' premiere non-issue as the campaign in Iowa draws closer to a conclusion: electability. He concludes that, their propaganda aside, all of the top candidates have positives and negatives that cancel each other out, but that probably doesn't even matter. As Bill Clinton himself said: "This electability thing is a canard."

Romney Woos Wary Voters With Faith-Based Appeal

Dec 7, 2007
Now that rival Republican presidential hopeful (and Baptist minister) Mike Huckabee is getting traction in Iowa polls, Mitt Romney has attempted to pull a JFK by giving a speech Thursday targeting voters concerned about his Mormonism. Romney pledged that church authorities wouldn't influence his presidential decisions, while also declaring that he endeavors to "live by" his faith and be "true to" his beliefs.

Poll: Clinton and Giuliani Are Slipping

Dec 4, 2007
A new USA Today/Gallup poll fits a trend other surveys have been pointing toward, namely that the front-runners in both parties are slowly losing their headlock on the election. Hillary Clinton, though still in the lead nationally, has lost 11 points in a month while Barack Obama and John Edwards have both picked up a few. Meanwhile, Mike Huckabee, once firmly stuck in statistically insignificant territory, continues his climb, like that other famous Arkansan who surprised his way to his party's nomination.