
How George W. Bush Dissed the U.S. Intelligence Community

Jan 5, 2017
Although the former commander in chief and his vice president had a rule that they did not trash talk people in public, they displayed the utmost disrespect for intelligence professionals who would not tell them (and the public) what they wanted to hear.
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Why Government Access to Encrypted Messages Won’t Make Us Safer

Nov 25, 2015
Since the Paris attacks, some officials and pundits have argued that government agencies should have a "back door" to encoded apps But such a capability would only compromise the communications of law-abiding citizens, and terrorists would quickly find new ways to evade detectionSince the Paris attacks, some officials have argued that government should have a "back door" to encoded apps.

NSA Whistleblower William Binney: Seeking Blackmail Power, U.S. Officials Enabled 9/11

May 15, 2015
The 31-year National Security Agency veteran blew the whistle when he realized technology that he had developed to protect Americans was being used to spy on them. In a wide-ranging, 45-minute discussion, he and Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer discuss who's responsible for the surveillance program, how authorities' desire for blackmail power through mass spying was a factor in their failure to stop the 9/11 attacks, and more.

Terrorism, Violence, and the Culture of Madness

Apr 1, 2015
So-called free market policies, values, and practices with their emphasis on the privatization of public wealth, the elimination of social protections, and the deregulation of economic activity now shape practically every commanding political and economic institution in the United States.