
Big Oil’s War on Earth

Jul 20, 2010
Today on the list: The places that make the Gulf spill look like a national park, Elizabeth Warren (yay) vs. Timothy Geithner (boo), Syria bans the veil, and the strange things men pay prostitutes to do (as if you don't already know).

Haiti in Waiting

Jun 5, 2010
With a good degree of exasperation, Haiti's president has been forced to remind the international community that only Brazil has paid in full on its promised aid following the earthquake that devastated the country in January.
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China Dries Up

Mar 21, 2010
A drought in southwestern China, where it has not rained in more than five months, is putting a damper on the lives of 50 million people, while costing the national economy $3 billion and leaving more than 20 million people without enough potable water.

The Costs of a World Cup

Mar 12, 2010
The World Cup is coming and South Africa has overhauled its athletic infrastructure in preparation. But while only four games will be played in the city of Nelspruit, the government has spent $137 million on a new stadium there while many of its denizens live without electricity.

Obama: Let’s Get to Work

Feb 22, 2009
In his weekly address, President Barack Obama hailed the stimulus bill he recently signed, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, as "the most sweeping economic recovery plan in history." Here's what he had to say to back up this big claim.

Infrastructure Spending Shafts the States That Need It

Feb 18, 2009
ProPublica did some digging into the infrastructure spending bundled into the stimulus package -- the $100 billion that promises have the biggest impact in terms of job creation -- and found that Wyoming is getting more than $20,100 per unemployed worker while Michigan, a state on the verge of a labor apocalypse, is expected to have to make do with just $2,434.37.

Stimulus Brings on a Family Feud

Jan 29, 2009
President Obama's visit with House and Senate Republicans this week was useful for setting a new tone and a refreshing break from the Bush administration's habit of consulting almost no one. But it was a sideshow to the main battle over how to improve the economy, which is among Democrats.

Hey, Big Spender: Obama Talks Stimulus

Jan 25, 2009
Barack Obama is coming out of the gate with quite the to-do list, not the least part being his new economic recovery plan, which carries quite the price tag at about $1 trillion. What is he thinking? Here, Obama gives some details in his weekly online address.