
Bush’s Christmas in July: Senate Passes FISA

Jul 10, 2008
You know a legislative compromise is one-sided when the AP headline announcing its passage reads "Senate Bows to Bush." Democratic advocates of the new FISA bill, passed by the Senate on Wednesday, are still trying to explain what they got in exchange for rolling back a few civil liberties and burying some of the president's abuses. When they figure it out, someone, somewhere, will surely be listening.

How to Steal an Election With the Help of FISA

Jul 3, 2008
There's a lot more to object to in the new FISA bill than just retroactive immunity for the telecoms. It seems that the regulation of surveillance is still hopelessly out of date. How is a court supposed to handle complex algorithms and countless terabytes of data? Truthdig contributor Elliot Cohen warns that the new law could conceivably allow the theft of the 2008 presidential election.

Private Contractors in Iraq to Lose Immunity

Jul 2, 2008
The folks at Blackwater and other private security outfits in Iraq encountered a dramatic setback Wednesday after an Iraqi minister announced that private guards will no longer be given immunity from U.S military and Iraqi law, ending more than five years of unregulated mercenary violence in the country.
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House Lets Telecoms Off the Hook

Jun 21, 2008
If there was one word that summed up the political tenor of the Bush II presidency, it definitely wouldn't be accountability. On Friday, this was once again made clear as the House of Representatives passed a bill granting retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that allowed their networks to be used by the government to eavesdrop on Americans following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Dodd to the Rescue

Dec 19, 2007
Sen. Chris Dodd just put his money where his mouth has been in the presidential campaign, filibustering a nasty bit of legislation the Senate tried to push through before the Christmas break. Here he tells MSNBC why giving retroactive immunity to the telecom companies for spying on Americans is a bad thing.

Bush: Protect America, or at Least Its Telecom Companies

Oct 11, 2007
First we had "Operation Iraqi Freedom." Then came the Patriot Act. And now, President Bush has co-opted another vague term that's hard to argue with, emptied it of its intended significance, and altered it to mean "let big telecom companies that aided the administration in its dubious wiretapping activities off the hook." Yes, folks, this latest round of rhetorical gymnastics has brought us "the Protect America Act."