hugo chavez

Rice Snubs Argentina

Mar 19, 2008
In response to the strengthening of ties between Hugo Chavez and recently elected Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner's government, Condoleezza Rice will skip the country on a two-day trip to South America The snub further underscores a divide between the US's traditional Latin American allies and a growing movement in opposition to U policy in the region.

Chavez Threatens War Against Colombia

Mar 4, 2008
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ratcheted up the tension between his country and neighboring Colombia by moving tanks and thousands of troops to the border between the two nations Sunday. Chavez's actions were prompted by Colombia's killing of a key Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) leader and 16 other FARC members in Ecuador the previous day. Chavez has friendly relations with FARC.
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The Democrats’ Class War

Feb 8, 2008
For all the hype about generational and gender wars in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, we have a class war on our hands. And incredibly, corporate America's preferred candidate is winning the poorer "us" versus the wealthier "them."

Chavez: ‘There Is No Dictatorship Here’

Dec 3, 2007
Hugo Chavez sounded an optimistic note Monday after ending up on the losing end of a vote -- by a slim 51 to 49 percent margin -- that would have expanded his constitutional powers as Venezuela's president and instituted changes in federal fund allocation and labor policy, among other proposed developments.

Chavez and Ahmadinejad Huddle in Iran

Nov 20, 2007
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stopped off in Tehran to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Monday after the weekend's OPEC summit in Saudi Arabia, marking Chavez's fourth trip to Iran in two years. During their tête-à-tête, the two least likely leaders to drop in for dinner at the White House discussed, among other things, the dollar's recent and precipitous decline.

Spain’s King Tells Chavez to ‘Shut Up’

Nov 12, 2007
King Juan Carlos of Spain had apparently had enough of Hugo Chavez when he said to the Venezuelan president: "Why don't you shut up?" The public scolding took place at the 22-nation Ibero-American summit in Santiago, Chile, and was precipitated by Chavez's attempts to paint former Spanish prime minister and Bush supporter Jose Maria Aznar as a fascist, which is a touchy term to use in front of the man who ended nearly four decades of fascist rule.

Chavez: Castro Ready for Another 100 Years

Sep 22, 2007
Despite widespread speculation that Cuban leader Fidel Castro had died recently, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has assured the global community that Castro is, in fact, alive and doing better. Cuban officials, meanwhile, also say Castro is recovering but haven't said if and when he would return to office.