huffington post

Arianna on Election Fear Factor

Oct 25, 2006
Arianna Huffington issues an appeal for calm in the face of election season fear-mongering: "Remember FDR. 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.' And, of course, those who use it for their own political purposes." (Video & Transcript)

Left, Right & Center

Aug 27, 2006
Join Truthdig's Robert Scheer, Arianna Huffington, Tony Blankley and Lawrence O'Donnell for a lively discussion on the week in politics, policy and culture. This week: Plan B, for Lebanon, Iraq and America's women; a look back at a decade of welfare reform; Republican Congressman Christopher Shays says "let's get out" of Iraq.

Left, Right & Center

Aug 19, 2006
Join Truthdig's Robert Scheer, along with Arianna Huffington, Tony Blankley and Lawrence O'Donnell, for a lively discussion on the week in politics, policy and culture. This week: Cease-Fire--Who Won, Who Lost? Warrantless Wiretap Decision and Appeal; A Review of Iraq War.
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Arianna Tries to Convert Colbert

Mar 3, 2006
In a hilarious exchange, ex-conservative Huffington defends herself against charges of treachery from the arch-conservative Stephen Colbert. After months of also-ran status, "The Colbert Report" has been giving "The Daily Show" a run for its money lately (no small feat, considering that "The Daily Show" is perhaps the best program on television).