
‘Egyptian Brokeback Mountain’ Marks Liberalization of Muslim Culture

Jun 29, 2006
The fact that Egyptian authorities didn't censor a box office-topping film that deals frankly with homosexuality--along with police torture and government corruption--is probably a sign that Egypt's government is adopting a more tolerant, progressive attitude. Meanwhile, in the U.S., Bush just signed the "Janet Jackson FCC bill," which raises by tenfold the fines for broadcasing so-called indecent material.

Study: Link Between Having Older Brothers and Homosexuality

Jun 27, 2006
Having one or more older brothers boosts the likelihood of a boy growing up to be gay -- an effect due not to social factors but biological events that occur in the mother's womb, according to a study published Tuesday. More evidence--alas, Bible-thumpers still need it--that homosexuality has nothing to do with outside factors and has everything to do with biology.
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Why Does Homosexuality Exist in the Animal Kingdom?

Jun 21, 2006
If homosexuality is a genetic aberration, why hasn't it been bred out of all species? That's the provocative question posed in Seed magazine, which reports that among some species, it actually makes more evolutionary sense for animals to copulate with members of the same sex--as opposed to members of the opposite sex.

Debate Begins on Gay Marriage Amendment

Jun 6, 2006
President Bush renewed his call for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage Detractors called the move transparently political--in light of the fact that the proposed amendment stands virtually no chance of passing either house of Congress Full-sized cartoons: top, middle, bottom .