
Bill Maher’s Summer Vacation

Aug 24, 2007
The "Real Time" host returns with a look back on the summer, full of the usual barbs like this gem about the Democrats' FISA capitulation: "Yes the Democrats in Congress took advantage of a deeply unpopular lame duck president by caving into his every whim and agreeing to allow the attorney general to spy on Americans without a warrant."
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The Case of the Missing Weapons

Aug 7, 2007
How exactly do some 190,000 pistols and AK-47 rifles go missing? That's the mystery the Pentagon is facing, according to the Government Accountability Office, which estimates that the U.S. military can't account for 30 percent of the arms given to Iraqi security forces to help "spread democracy" since 2004.

The Pentagon vs. Peak Oil

Jun 15, 2007
What if wars of the future are fought just to run the machines that fight them? That's just the alarmingly ironic point that Klare, author of "Blood and Oil," takes on in this essay, sizing up the Pentagon's huge energy expenditure -- which will only increase exponentially if America's imperialist globe-trotting continues. Note: Originally posted on TomDispatch.

Sony vs. the Church of England

Jun 11, 2007
Sony Computer Entertainment is in hot water with the Church of England because of a popular video game that simulates a shootout in the Manchester Cathedral. Among other concerns, the church is appalled that Sony would "encourage people to have gun battles" in a city known for gun crime.

A Loaded Issue

May 22, 2007
If you want to understand why the gun debate is so intense, look no further than Virginia, where Second Amendment advocates flaunt their rights in the faces of parents whose children have just been shot.

Virginia Shooter Had No Difficulty Buying Guns

Apr 18, 2007
As more details emerge from the massacre at Virginia Tech, it has become tragically clear that the least remarkable aspect of the crime was the purchase of the weapons that killed 33 people. An investigation has found that Cho Seung-Hui bought two pistols quickly, affordably and, for the most part, legally.