
Running Away From Bush

Jan 15, 2008
The turmoil in the Republican presidential contest, which seems to produce a new front-runner every month, owes to President Bush's unpopularity and the fact that even members of his own party want to turn the page on the last seven years.

Huckabee on the Rise

Dec 20, 2007
Just two weeks shy of the Iowa primary, the contest for the Republican presidential nomination has shifted into high gear, with former Arkansas governor (note to aspiring politicos: Arkansas is apparently not the worst place to cultivate presidential ambitions) Mike Huckabee rising quickly through GOP ranks to take the lead.
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Va. GOP Voters Required to Sign Loyalty Oath

Nov 29, 2007
It's almost primary time, voters of America, so get ready for more electoral shenanigans! The venerable southern state of Virginia is fast out of the gates this election season, thanks to the local Republican Party, which came up with the ingenious idea of requiring voters who want to take part in February's primary to pledge that they'll also cast their vote for the Republican presidential nominee next Nov. 4.

Our Offspring Fontanel

Oct 17, 2007
Oooh. He's clever. And obviously knows exactly what he's doing. This is all a setup, people. Has to be. Yes, I'm talking about George Bush's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Who but a total stoned horned ogre would do that? Maybe an ogre with something up his sleeve, eh?

Carter Has Had Enough

Oct 11, 2007
Jimmy Carter was en fuego during a chat with Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday, blasting the Bush administration for torturing people, the GOP candidates for racing to the fringe and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for refusing to commit to a full withdrawal of troops from Iraq.