
Putin: U.S. ‘Created’ Georgia Conflict

Aug 29, 2008
Based on information from Russian defense officials and, no doubt, years of KGB savvy, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has surmised that the US provoked the Georgia conflict in order to give John McCain a boost: "The suspicion arises that someone in the United States especially created this conflict with the aim of making the situation more tense and creating a competitive advantage for one of the candidates fighting for the post of U president".

With Friends Like Joe Biden …

Aug 28, 2008
During his speech to the Democratic convention, the aspiring veep praised the courage of his good friend, John McCain -- right before twisting the knife in his back. It's the vice presidential candidate's job to go on the attack, and Joe Biden does his job well.

Running for War President at Any Cost

Aug 27, 2008
Just great! Nuclear-armed Pakistan is falling apart, Iran's nuclear program is unchecked and congressional legislation on cooperation with the Russians on controlling nuclear proliferation is now dead in the water. Horrid news except for Sen. John McCain, who thrills to a repeat of the danger lines of the Cold War, and now stands a good chance of being our next president.
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The Cost of Saakashvili’s Folly

Aug 27, 2008
The West's response to the situation in Georgia evades acknowledgement of the damage Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili has done to the United States and NATO, and to Georgia itself, which for the foreseeable future will now be a nation of limited sovereignty, and an awkward embarrassment to its Western allies.

Russia Remains in Georgia Port

Aug 23, 2008
Russian officials beg to differ with Western critics who claim that Russia's ongoing presence in the Georgian port town of Poti violates the terms of the cease-fire agreement between the neighboring nations, insisting that the remaining Russian forces are of the peacekeeping, not the combative, variety.

Rice Pops Up in Baghdad

Aug 21, 2008
Where in the world is Condoleezza Rice? Well, as the ink was drying on the deal she signed to secure Poland's cooperation in the United States' controversial missile shield project, Secretary of State Rice turned up in Baghdad on Thursday for an unscheduled visit with Iraqi leaders. Surprise!

Gorbachev: ‘Russia Did Not Want This Crisis’

Aug 20, 2008
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has weighed in again about the recent bloody battles between Russia and Georgia, this time insisting in a New York Times Op-Ed piece that Russia was "dragged into the fray by the recklessness of the Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili" and "did not need a little victorious war."