fox news

Teachable Moments With Bill O’Reilly

Jun 26, 2007
A high school student from Boulder, Colo., who appeared on "The O'Reilly Factor" to weigh in about a recent assembly at his school that featured frank discussions about sex and drugs successfully dammed the rising tide of outrage coming from Bill O'Reilly by taking a page from the Fox pundit's own book.

Colbert on Bushmania in Albania

Jun 14, 2007
Americans need to catch up with Albanians in terms of showing President Bush some serious love, according to pseudo-pundit Stephen Colbert, who laments that Albanians have renamed a street after our commander in chief and dedicated stamps to him; in fact, he's so popular over there that "gypsies actually put money in his pockets" during his Albanian love-in.
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Howard Dean Mixes It Up With Colbert

May 18, 2007
The DNC chairman sits down with Stephen Colbert for a raucous discussion on the Republican debate, torture and why the Democrats won't go on Fox News: "No sense in going on propaganda outlets when you don't have to." Other Dean zingers include: "Any Republican debate is torture," and "John McCain knows something about torture, the rest of the guys were just windbags."

‘Daily Show’ Viewers Know More

May 3, 2007
According to the latest Pew Research survey, the most knowledgeable Americans are regular viewers of "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" and avid newspaper readers. At the other end of the spectrum are viewers of Fox News and morning shows.

Strike 2 for Fox News Debate

Apr 10, 2007
Presidential candidate Barack Obama has followed in the footsteps of fellow Democratic hopeful John Edwards in declining to take part in a primary debate co-sponsored by Fox News and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute in September.

Gingrich Joins Gonzales Critics’ Chorus

Apr 9, 2007
Though the Bush administration continues to support Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, another prominent Republican has called for him to step down. One-time House Speaker Newt Gingrich went on "Fox News Sunday" and said Gonzales' "self-created" mess gets in the way of his job.

The Fox Attack on Black America

Apr 4, 2007
The Congressional Black Caucus has agreed to cosponsor two debates with Fox News, one for Democrats and the other for Republicans. But as Robert Greenwald and the folks at Fox Attacks demonstrate in this video, the network has a history of attacking black America.