
A Nuclear End to Denial

Nov 26, 2013
With their dramatic decision, Senate Democrats have frankly acknowledged that the power struggle over the judiciary has reached a crisis point and that the nature of conservative opposition to President Obama is genuinely without precedent.
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Democrats Finally Off the Filibuster on Executive Nominees

Nov 22, 2013
Republicans filibustering seemingly every second to obstruct the Obama administration's agenda has gotten under Democrats' skin at last. Thursday, after being dared by the GOP to go nuclear, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pulled the plug on filibustering, allowing presidential nominees to be approved with a simple majority vote for the remainder of this Congress.

Thawing the Senate’s ‘Deep Freeze’

Jul 17, 2013
For all the railing against dysfunction in the nation's capital, very little had actually happened to overcome it -- until this week. That's why the agreement to begin putting an end to Senate filibusters of presidential nominees is a very big deal. It is an acknowledgement that the only way to stop political bullying is to confront the bully.