
Remembering the Real Deal

Aug 26, 2009
The light has gone out, and with it that infectious warm laugh and intensely progressive commitment of the best of the Kennedys Not, at this point, to take anything away from the memory of his siblings -- Bobby, whom I also got to know, was pretty terrific in his last years -- but Sen Ted Kennedy was the real deal.

Pelosi’s Toothless ‘Commission’

Jul 16, 2009
Congressional leaders are expected to announce a new commission to investigate the causes of America's financial disaster. But unless the speaker and her colleagues summon much greater courage than they have displayed to date, it will only highlight the failure of the Democrats to live up to their heritage.A new commission will only highlight the failure of the Democrats to live up to their heritage.

Obama’s Financial Plan Fails to Impress

Jun 18, 2009
President Obama compares his "sweeping overhaul of the financial regulatory system" to FDR's crackdown on Wall Street, but New York Times business columnist Joe Nocera isn't buying it. "Everywhere you look in the plan, you see the same thing," he writes. "Additional regulation on the margin, but nothing that amounts to a true overhaul."
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Making Him Do It

Jan 30, 2009
Intragovernmental squabbling probably makes the conflict-averse Obama uncomfortable. But the “make him do it” dynamic could finally bring the center of Washington’s political debate closer to the progressive center of American public opinion.

Nothing to Fear but No Health Care

Jan 14, 2009
Fifty million Americans are without health insurance, and 25 million are "underinsured." Millions being laid off will soon be added to those rolls. At this perilous moment, we need sweeping New Deal-caliber changes, not the impotent tinkering that has been proposed.

Barack and Michelle Obama on the Next Four Years

Nov 17, 2008
Barack Obama covered a lot of ground during his first post-election interview Sunday. The president-elect said he will close Guantanamo, re-regulate the economy and wait until he's settled before getting his daughters that puppy. Michelle Obama, joining her husband, said she will become an active first lady once her children make the adjustment to their new home.