
Zachary Karabell on Mark Lilla’s ‘The Stillborn God’

Dec 21, 2007
With religious passions inflaming and complicating politics worldwide, the very project of a secular future is threatened. In "The Stillborn God," Mark Lilla reveals the roots of the age-old quest to bring political life under God's authority. He also explores how modern Western thinkers found a way to free politics from theological power and build barriers against destructive religious fanaticism.

Huckabee’s Sermons Off Limits

Dec 13, 2007
The Huckabee campaign has refused to give the media much more than scraps of the candidate's religious speeches, leaving his 12 years as a pastor relatively shrouded in mystery. We already know he doesn't believe in evolution, thought at one time that AIDS patients should be quarantined and isn't ashamed "to let you know that I believe Adam and Eve were real people," so what is he hiding?
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A New Spin on Human Ancestry?

Aug 9, 2007
Scientists studying two hominid fossils from Kenya have cause to wonder whether Homo erectus, considered the direct predecessor to the species of humans currently enjoying evolutionary predominance, Homo sapiens, actually evolved from the smaller Homo habilis or whether the two coexisted for about half a million years.

Weekly Video Roundup

Feb 10, 2007
This week our selection of Truthdig-flavored videos includes a shocking short documentary on the evangelical war on evolution; a bird's-eye view of perhaps the first ever avatar-attended virtual peace rally; and a troubling home movie of a U.S. Humvee engaging in bumper-car action in Baghdad.

Evangelicals Make War on Evolution

Feb 7, 2007
This short documentary is perhaps as scary as it gets: Creationists indoctrinate children into believing that humans and dinosaurs coexisted a few thousand years ago. Want to see what this kind of indoctrination leads to? Read Andrew Sullivan describing why it's impossible for him to ever doubt the existence of God.

Digital Darwin

Oct 19, 2006
Cambridge University is making Charles Darwin's complete works freely available online, including the notebook the legendary scientist wrote in during the voyage of the Beagle.

Poll: Half of U.S. Rejects Evolution, Backs Bible

Mar 9, 2006
The Gallup report summarizes the findings: "[A] substantial portion of Americans[are] not so quick to agree with the preponderance of scientific evidence" Support for the such beliefs declines steadily with education: Among those with high school diplomas, 58% are Bible backers; among those with postgraduate degrees, only 25%.