
Kick the Oil Habit

May 18, 2006
Check out this sobering video, which spells out the moral imperative we face to wean ourselves from dependence on oil. Robert Redford will be talking about this new campaign on Larry King tonight (May 17.)
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‘Syriana 2’

Feb 18, 2006
China is set to plumb Iranian oil fields in a $100-billion deal, complicating U.S. efforts to isolate Tehran and providing Iran more money to pursue its nuclear ambitions. Can someone please call Stephen Gaghan to figure this one out for us? Or maybe this is a case for Truthdig's Orville Schell, who knows a thing or two about China?

Jon Stewart Roasts Cheney

Feb 15, 2006
"Don't let your kids go hunting with the vice president. I don't care what kind of lucrative contracts they're trying to land or energy regulations they're trying to get lifted. He'll shoot them in the face." | video