
Bill Maher Defends Elitism

Apr 21, 2008
The "Real Time" host offers his own unique take on the bitterness fiasco: "If you think the Democrats are going to take away your Bible, you're an idiot. If you think they're going to take away your gun, you're an armed idiot. And if you think they're going to take away your gun and give it to a Mexican to kill your god, you're Bill O'Reilly."

Whose Elitism Is Worse?

Apr 17, 2008
It is hard to blame John McCain for mocking Barack Obama as an "elitist" following that silly remark about bitter folks who cling to guns and religion. Rarely does the Arizona senator -- one of the wealthiest members of Washington's most exclusive club -- encounter such a tempting chance to masquerade as a populist.

Obama Volleys Back at Clinton, McCain for ‘Bitter’ Remarks

Apr 12, 2008
Barack Obama has apparently decided to stand by his observation, first delivered in San Francisco on April 6, that some Americans in small-town Pennsylvania are "bitter" about the lack of available jobs After Hillary Clinton and John McCain criticized his views as elitist and condescending, Obama repeated, and elaborated upon, his original statement Friday Updated.
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Bill Maher: Bring Back Elitism

Apr 16, 2007
The "Real Time" host argues that many of America's problems aren't caused by the liberal, Washington, Hollywood or media elite, but by the prevalence of unqualified "hayseeds" in George W. Bush's government. Take Monica Goodling, who, in her early 30s and with no prosecutorial experience, oversaw the U.S. attorneys.

Wal-Mart Goes Organic

Jun 4, 2006
Organic food is about to go mainstream. Michael Pollan explores what the globalization of organic food means, and finds it hard to separate the good from the bad. Also, see our interview with Pollan.