
Oil Prices Dip, Stocks Rise

Aug 6, 2008
Finally, some slightly better financial news has hit the wires after months of sobering reports: Oil prices dropped to a three-month low on Tuesday, which may be due to "the softening market," as one analyst puts it in this NYT account, but whatever the reason it still means a slight reprieve from weeks of punishing prices. Stock markets had their biggest gains in four months.

Pelosi Takes the Heat on Drilling

Aug 6, 2008
According to the Politico, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has given her blessing to vulnerable Democrats to rebel against the party's position on offshore drilling. The strategy goes something like this: Pelosi plays the liberal from San Francisco while representatives of more conservative districts berate her. With a majority intact, the Democrats push through a comprehensive energy policy sometime in 2009.

McCain Camp Gets Big Checks From Big Oil Execs

Aug 4, 2008
It's not particularly surprising that oil executives at the Hess Corp. got a little excited when John McCain changed his position in June and called for offshore drilling, but it is interesting that the Hess brass, according to Talking Points Memo, apparently demonstrated their gratitude (cue cash register sound effect here) by writing some big checks to the McCain campaign.
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Bush Lifts Drilling Ban

Jul 15, 2008
In keeping with his image, the president made a lot of noise on Monday while accomplishing absolutely nothing. In keeping with theirs, the Democrats condemned the president while making plans to roll over. George W. Bush lifted an executive oil drilling ban, but a national moratorium remains in place. The hot air, meanwhile, is getting to the Democrats, some of whom chastised the president while others worked up one of their famous compromises.

McCain Pulls the Pin on Offshore Drilling

Jun 18, 2008
John McCain is hoping that Americans, particularly those living in coastal states, are so sick of high gas prices they won't mind a little extra offshore drilling. That's a risky assessment according to The Politico and the former head of the Florida GOP, who said that back before fuel costs skyrocketed it "would have been like pulling a pin on a grenade and rolling it into the state."

The Field Trip From Hell

May 14, 2007
A school in Tennessee recently staged a drill with a fake gunman during a week-long field trip that left students terrified and in tears. The sixth-graders were told a teacher dressed in a hooded sweatshirt was a shooter on the loose and that it was not a drill. The school's principal said the incident "involved poor judgment."