
Maverick Candidate Mike Gravel

May 4, 2007
Presidential candidate Mike Gravel's performance in the first Democratic debate took him from off the radar to Truthdigger of the week. Naturally, we just had to pick his brain. The former senator from Alaska, who helped end the draft, tells Truthdig why he's running, why there are so few mavericks in politics these days and why war makes him angry.

Army Chief Won’t Rule Out Longer Deployments

Apr 29, 2007
The Army's new chief of staff, Gen. George Casey (of Iraq fame), has said he can't guarantee that deployments won't grow beyond the current 15 months. Casey was asked about the extensions by a frustrated Army wife who said her husband's deployments have more than doubled in length over the years.

Better Him Than Me

Feb 27, 2007
Prince Harry's imminent deployment to Iraq stands in stark contrast to the behavior of America's draft-dodging chicken hawks, who bloviate about honoring the troops while abusing them at home and abroad.
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Draft Equipment to Be Tested

Dec 28, 2006
The Selective Service System is planning to test equipment and procedures that would be used in a draft. Cryptically referred to as the Area Office Mobilization Prototype Exercise, the test would not take place until 2009, and could be canceled because of budget cuts.