
A Doctor in Your Pocket

Nov 13, 2010
In an effort to curb the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, British doctors and computer engineers are developing small electronic devices that act as tiny STD testing kits, pluggable into a smart phone or computer that then allows users to learn in minutes which, if any, STDs they have.

Obama Healthy, Still Sins

Mar 1, 2010
As most recent presidents have done, Barack Obama has released the results of his annual physical examination. Doctors are reporting the president is in "excellent health" despite his continued struggle with addiction to nicotine.
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Doctors Propose Revisions to DSM Manual

Feb 10, 2010
What ends up (or doesn't) in the DSM manual, otherwise known as the bible of psychiatry, can have a major impact on patients, doctors and, of course, Big Pharma. So, it's no surprise that the debates and discussions around what will be included in the DSM's fifth edition are already involved and intense, some three years before the guidebook is due to be released.

Scientists Fear Chinese ‘Superbugs’

Feb 6, 2010
Leading scientists are criticizing Chinese doctors and farmers for what they believe is a reckless overuse of antibiotics in both the medical and agricultural industries, which, they argue, has led to an explosion of resistant "superbugs" endangering global health.

Alabama Congressman Changes Parties Over Health Care

Dec 22, 2009
Alabama Rep. Parker Griffith, a freshman congressman who formerly figured among the famous "Blue Dog" Democrats in Congress, has reportedly decided to defect to the GOP after breaking with his party over health care reform. This shift in the Democratic ranks could spell trouble for the 2010 election, especially if Rep. Griffith's switchover inspires others to follow suit.

Swine Flu Still on the Map

Aug 5, 2009
Like a really bad joke that won't go away, the swine flu has reared its exaggerated head, now in India, after that country reported its first death attributed to the multi-appellated disease. Hundreds of Indians rushed to get tested in the western city of Pune, even causing fights among those in line at a hospital.