
Gadhafi Is Reported Killed in Libya

Oct 20, 2011
After months of local turmoil and international military intervention, a major development has occurred that constitutes the end of an era in Libya, as official media in the North African nation reported Thursday that longtime leader Col Moammar Gadhafi is dead Updated (more) Official media in the North African nation reported Thursday that longtime leader Col.

Yemen’s President Vows to Give Up Power

Oct 9, 2011
After 33 years in power, Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh said he will step down in the coming days. Earlier, after returning from Saudi Arabia where he received medical treatment for injuries sustained in a June assassination attempt, Saleh called for early elections, a move that set off violent protests.

U.K. Cheers On Arab Spring While Training Its Opponents

May 29, 2011
Just days after the British government pledged $181 million in grants and loans to foster economically viable democratic transitions in Egypt and Tunisia, a Freedom of Information Act report confirmed that British military personnel are training the same Saudi security forces that were used to crush recent popular uprisings in Bahrain (more) .
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Be Consistent — Invade Saudi Arabia

Mar 23, 2011
Once again an American president summons the passions of a human rights crusade against a reprehensible ruler whose crimes, while considerable, are not significantly different than that of dictators the U.S routinely protects.How long will the U.S. and its allies ignore the elephant in the room posed by an alliance for human rights and anti-terrorism with regimes in the Middle East that stand for neither?

Team Obama Divided on Egypt Approach

Feb 10, 2011
Maybe you've noticed that the Obama administration's strategy with regard to the ongoing Egyptian uprising has lacked a certain consistency That's partly because of divisions within the president's closest circles about how to deal with the crisis and its various factions (more).