
Inside a CIA Black Site

Mar 14, 2008
A Yemeni man has told Amnesty International that he was abducted and tortured and spent nearly three years in secret prisons at the hands of the CIA. Khaled al-Maqtari says that without charge, legal representation or even a word to his family he was shuttled from one prison to another and ultimately dumped into Yemeni custody, once the U.S. had finished with him.

Tortured Semantics

Feb 9, 2008
The campaign for the White House is great fun, but it can also be a distraction. While the leading contenders to replace Bush continue to duke it out, the president and his lieutenants are still trying to justify torture in the name of protecting this once great democracy.

Immigration Dept. Deports Americans

Jan 25, 2008
Despite his Southern accent and the conclusions of a court to the contrary, officials at Immigration and Customs Enforcement managed to convince themselves that Thomas Warziniack was born in Russia. So they detained and planned to deport him. He is just one of hundreds of victims caught up in an unforgiving bureaucracy who beg, often without recourse, to be taken seriously.
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International Protest Targets Guantanamo

Jan 12, 2008
Activists around the world took to the streets Friday wearing orange jumpsuits in protest of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, which Amnesty International calls an "unlawful black hole." Eighty demonstrators were arrested in or near the Supreme Court building, where justices are reviewing the legality of the government's detention program.

AP Backs Photographer Held in Insurgency Case

Nov 22, 2007
Bilal Hussein, an AP photographer whom the U.S. military has accused of collaborating with insurgents, has been detained in Iraq for 19 months and may soon be tried by an Iraqi court. The Associated Press, apparently fed up with trying to reason with the military, has released the results of its own exhaustive investigation, which found the charges against Hussein to be "false" and "meaningless."

Secret Torture Memos Shame Justice Dept.

Oct 4, 2007
In 2005, the Justice Department issued two secret opinions on torture that endorsed and protected the administration's desire to use physically and psychologically traumatizing interrogation techniques. Then-Deputy Attorney General James Comey reportedly warned his colleagues that they would be "ashamed" when their work became public.

The Global War on Toddlerism

Oct 1, 2007
Fresh on the heels of its reality show "Kid Nation," in which children are sent to perform hard labor on a ranch with no adult supervision, CBS announced today that it is readying a reality show in which children will be sent to the federal detention camp at Guantanamo.