
Gitmo Detainee Commits Suicide

May 31, 2007
A Saudi prisoner at the detention center in Guantanamo Bay has apparently committed suicide, the U.S. military said in a statement. Human rights organizations have repeatedly warned that indefinite detentions -- some now longer than five years -- combined with harsh "interrogation techniques" and unfair trials could drive detainees to take their own lives.

If at First You Don’t Convict, Try, Try Again

May 17, 2007
A federal appeals court is looking into the legitimacy of "do-overs" for detainee tribunals at Guantanamo Bay. Critics say the practice is unfair because it effectively allows the government to retry cases until it gets the results it wants, but there may not be much the high court can do under current legislation.

Cleared Detainees Stuck in Gitmo Limbo

Apr 29, 2007
Imagine enduring five years of imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay, finally winning your release and then learning you had no place to go Eighty-two detainees have been cleared for release by the US, but remain at the facility, either because their home countries refuse to take them or they would face torture if repatriated What's worse, the U, Europe and other allies have all but washed their hands of the situation.
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Pentagon Releases 9/11 Mastermind’s Confession

Mar 15, 2007
The military has released a confession attributed to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the supposed mastermind of 9/11. According to the partially redacted transcript of his secret hearing, Mohammed claimed responsibility for 28 attacks, including 9/11, the Bali bombing, a number of operations that were never carried out and some that were not thought to be closely related to al-Qaida.

Kidnapped by the CIA

Feb 28, 2007
The Washington Post has an inside look at "black sites," the secret detention centers operated by the CIA that hold abducted terror suspects, one of whom describes a world of interrogation, torture and misery.

No Judicial Recourse for Detainees

Feb 21, 2007
A federal appeals court has upheld the Military Commissions Act, denying Guantanamo detainees access to the U.S. judicial system. Attorneys for the detainees said they would appeal the 2-1 decision, which fell along party lines, to the Supreme Court.

‘Extraordinary Rendition’ on Trial

Feb 16, 2007
An Italian judge has decided to go forward with the first criminal trial of extraordinary rendition. Twenty-six Americans and five Italians -- including the former head of military intelligence -- have been indicted and ordered to stand trial for the abduction of an Egyptian cleric who was detained and allegedly tortured in Cairo.

EU Condemns ‘Rendition’ Enablers

Feb 15, 2007
The European Parliament has condemned 14 member states for either ignoring or assisting the U.S. policy of "extraordinary rendition." The report, which won approval by a wide margin, says the CIA carried out 1,245 flights of abducted suspects, sometimes to nations where the detainees could expect torture.