
The A Word

Mar 6, 2009
Recently, I've been groping for the precise word to characterize the zeitgeist of this (unfortunately) historic moment -- a word I finally found during a visit last week to central Mexico.

Jon Stewart Is Mad as Hell

Mar 6, 2009
What's more offensive than CNBC reporter Rick Santelli's rant against Barack Obama's supposed intention to throw only a table scrap of bailout money to foreclosed homeowners? His network's laughable coverage of the biggest economic news story since the Great Depression.
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Workaholics Risk Dementia, Study Finds

Feb 26, 2009
Those who have lost their jobs can take solace in the fact that although working may put food on the table, it can also break your brain. A study has found that busy bees who labor more than 55 hours a week develop problems with reasoning, memory and vocabulary, and the problems get worse the more they work.

Obama Pushes to Sell an Effective Stimulus

Feb 10, 2009
He has his opponents in Congress, but President Barack Obama is stressing the need to settle the stimulus issue -- and fast. On Monday, in his first major news conference since assuming office, Obama warned of economic troubles ahead and presented the stimulus package as a possible way out.

Army Suicide Rate Highest in Decades

Jan 31, 2009
Adding to the solemn string of record-breaking statistics, new figures show that the suicide rate among U.S. Army members has hit its highest level in three decades. Last year, over 128 soldiers took their own lives, a telling sign of our military and political climate.

Factories Echo Recession Pangs

Jan 3, 2009
Following in the footsteps of 2008's dismal economic news, global manufacturing has fallen to low levels unseen for decades. In the U.S., factory activity has dropped to a 28-year low, marking a slump that further adds to the bad economic trends as we enter 2009.