department of defense

Hillary Pushes the Button

Aug 15, 2007
What in the world was Sen. Hillary Clinton thinking when she attacked Sen. Barack Obama for ruling out the use of nuclear weapons in going after Osama bin Laden? And why aren't her supporters more concerned about yet another egregious example of Clinton's consistent backing for the mindless militarism that is dragging this nation to ruin?

Pat Tillman Murdered?

Jul 27, 2007
Defense Department documents handed over to the Associated Press under a Freedom of Information Act request raised the possibility that the "friendly-fire" death of soldier Pat Tillman, a former NFL player, was the result of an intentional act that amounted to a crime.
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House Panel Demands Records About Tillman

Jul 14, 2007
House Oversight Committee Chairman Henry Waxman and his Republican committee colleague Rep. Tom Davis are putting pressure on the White House and the Defense Department to hand over records about the death of Pat Tillman. The administration has been keeping the documents secret, citing its executive confidentiality prerogative.

Arms Race Déjà Vu?

May 30, 2007
Relations between the US and Russia may be strained by the Bush administration's planned implementation of an anti-missile shield in Eastern Europe Russian President Vladimir Putin had strong words for the U Tuesday as Kremlin officials proudly unveiled new missiles -- a month before Putin and President Bush will meet in Kennebunkport, Maine.

Defense Contractor Jeopardized U.S. Soldiers

Mar 28, 2007
ITT, the premier night vision equipment supplier to the US military, will pay $100 million in fines for violating the Arms Exports Control Act by sending sensitive information to China, Singapore and Britain without permission The U attorney in charge of the case said American soldiers were the "principal victims of ITT's crimes".

Military Minces Words in Tillman Report

Mar 27, 2007
The military has concluded that the fratricide of Pat Tillman was not criminal and there was no broad cover-up, despite recommending action against officers who, as the AP reports, "passed along misleading and inaccurate information and delayed reporting their belief that Tillman was killed by his fellow soldiers."

90 Percent of Guard Units ‘Not Ready’

Mar 2, 2007
An independent commission established by Congress has found that the Defense Department is not adequately equipping and funding the National Guard. Roughly 90 percent of U.S. National Guard units are designated "not ready." The commission determined that the Guard is ill-prepared to meet its obligation to defend the homeland and respond rapidly and effectively in a crisis.

Satellite Spy Agency Gets Bilked

Feb 7, 2007
Spy satellites provide much of the intelligence community's raw data, whether snapshots of Iran's nuclear facilities or al-Qaida training camps. David Kaplan has the story on how the National Reconnaissance Office, the $7.5-billion-a-year agency that builds and operates the satellites, has had to contend with potentially massive fraud among its many contractors.