democracy now

From Coup-Lite to Truth-Lite: 10 Ways the U.S. Fought Democracy in Honduras

Jan 14, 2010
Andrés Thomas Conteris, reporting from within the besieged embassy where ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has taken shelter, outlines 10 ways the United States has supported the coup and undermined democracy in Honduras.Andrés Thomas Conteris reports from within the besieged embassy where ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has taken shelter.

Chris Hedges on Obama, Michael Jackson, ‘Empire of Illusion’

Jan 8, 2010
Never one to shrink from a strong debate, "Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle" author and Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges comes out swinging in this lecture recorded last month, giving his audience at the New School in New York City more than a few big ideas to grapple with about our current president, the state of our democracy and the cancer of celebrity culture in contemporary American society. Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges comes out swinging in this lecture about the state of our democracy and the cancer of celebrity culture in American society.

Goodman on Goodman

Nov 30, 2009
In a rare turnabout of camera and subject, "Democracy Now!" host Amy Goodman talks with Truthdig's Robert Scheer about the major inspirations and role models of her life, her life's work, and how the ongoing crisis in journalism is really a crisis of truth. Updated Amy Goodman talks with Robert Scheer about the major inspirations and role models of her life and her life's work.
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Meet the Uighurs

Jul 7, 2009
On Tuesday's "Democracy Now!" broadcast, Amy Goodman interviews Nury Turkel, an Uighur-American attorney and co-founder of the Uighur Human Rights Project. Get to know the Uighurs and their struggle in China.

Democracy Now! News Highlights

Jun 2, 2009
Watch Tuesday's news highlights, brought to you by Democracy Now! A couple of today's golden nuggets include Jimmy Carter's disagreement with President Obama's refusal to release hundreds of prison detainee photos and a call from the former top coalition commander in Iraq, Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, for a truth commission to investigate abusive interrogation techniques.

‘Winter Soldier on the Hill’

May 25, 2009
Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan spoke to lawmakers on Capitol Hill this month, giving eyewitness accounts of the horrors of war and the real practices of the military. Amy Goodman devoted Monday's "Democracy Now!" episode to these testimonials for this Memorial Day. Listen to the soldiers' stories here.

Baucus’ Raucous Caucus

May 13, 2009
Single-payer advocates have been protesting in Senate Finance Committee hearings, chaired by Democratic Montana Sen. Max Baucus. Last week, at a committee hearing with 15 industry speakers, not one represented the single-payer perspective.

‘High-End Journalism Is Dying in America’

May 7, 2009
Warning of the potential dangers of citizen journalism while correcting misconceptions on the grand old days of the "family-owned" newspaper model, David Simon, creator of HBO’s “The Wire” and a former reporter at the Baltimore Sun, testified Wednesday at a Senate hearing on the future of journalism.

Amy Goodman and Robert Scheer: Should Geithner Step Down?

Mar 20, 2009
Truthdig's Robert Scheer appeared on "Democracy Now!" on Thursday to tell host Amy Goodman who exactly sent the U.S. into financial dire straits and to recommend some changes that could put the country on a better track. Here are some hints: One culpable party rhymes with "Shmoldman Shmacks," and another is at the top of President Obama's economic team.

‘Democracy Now!’: Sen. Sanders, Scheer on the Bailout Boondoggle

Sep 23, 2008
On Monday morning, as the aftershocks from Wall Street's worst week in decades continued to rock the national and global economy and the Bush administration scrambled to contain the fallout with a bailout plan that could cost American taxpayers over a trillion dollars, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Robert Scheer and Dean Baker joined "Democracy Now!" host Amy Goodman (above) to sort through the rubble and speculate about what might come next.