
Limbaugh Says $250,000 Isn’t Wealthy

Feb 2, 2010
For all their talk of deficits, conservatives don't ever want to pay for them. Rush Limbaugh says people making more than $250,000 a year -- who may just have to brace for a tax hike to keep our budget shortfalls somewhere in this galaxy -- do not qualify as wealthy.
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Obama Confronts Critics (and Vice Versa) at GOP Retreat

Jan 30, 2010
Turns out that Barack Obama's extemporaneous critique of the Supreme Court during his State of the Union speech Wednesday wasn't the only such (apparently) unscripted moment he'd spend this week On Friday, the president engaged in a frank exchange with Republican House members at a retreat in Baltimore, where he (continued).

Obama to Propose Spending Freeze

Jan 26, 2010
As part of his State of the Union address Wednesday, the president is expected to call for a three-year freeze on non-military, non-entitlement discretionary spending that amounts to a small fraction of the budget. It's a stunt, for the most part, aimed at soothing budget-conscious independents. (continued)

A Cruel and Unusual Waste of Money

Oct 22, 2009
Executing people is expensive A new report by the Death Penalty Information Center says California is spending more than 10 times as much on capital punishment -- $137 million a year -- as it would on an alternative life-without-parole system New York and New Jersey repealed .