defense spending

Obama the Arms Dealer

Feb 15, 2011
With the U.S. already maxing out the credit card with roughly a trillion dollars a year on defense spending, America's weapons industry has been forced to look elsewhere for buyers. Luckily for the military-industrial complex, there's an eager salesman in the White House.
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Discretion Advised

Jan 24, 2011
Discretionary spending, the part of the federal budget that is not on autopilot and is subject to annual appropriations, generally constitutes less than 40 percent of federal spending. Take out defense spending and that share drops to well under 20 percent.

U.K. to Slash Defense Spending

Oct 20, 2010
The United States spends more on its military than every other country in the world combined. That's not likely to change, with British Prime Minister David Cameron announcing plans to cut military spending by 8 percent over four years. (continued)