deepwater horizon

BP Passes the Buck

Sep 8, 2010
That whole Gulf of Mexico oil spill thing? It wasn't just BP's fault -- or so says BP. The oily megacorp released an internal report Wednesday that pointed to "multiple companies and work teams" that also, in BP's humble estimation, shoulder some of the blame for the disaster.

U.S. Gets Cold Feet in Arctic Drilling

Sep 4, 2010
With all of the hullabaloo surrounding the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the government's lackluster performance in responding to that crisis, U.S. regulatory agencies have waved the yellow flag in allowing new offshore drilling in the Arctic.
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The Cost of Not Drilling

Aug 22, 2010
Previously undisclosed documents have measured the economic impact of the U.S. federal moratorium on deep-water oil drilling at 23,000 jobs lost and billions of dollars in frozen investment. Federal officials went ahead with the ban, now tied up in court, because they distrusted industry safety equipment and standards.

Fishermen Test Troubled Gulf Waters

Aug 17, 2010
Americans get half of their shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico, but that was before it was contaminated by 190 million gallons of oil and 2 million gallons of chemical dispersant. Shrimp season officially started Monday, but it will be some time before we know whether the ravaged Gulf waters -- and American appetites -- are up to it.

Alabama to Sue BP

Aug 13, 2010
The great state of Alabama has announced it will sue BP, Transocean and Halliburton for the “catastrophic harm” that followed from the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.

Alarms Were Disabled on Doomed Oil Rig

Jul 24, 2010
A chief engineer has testified to a federal panel investigating the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon that, despite his repeated admonishments, alarms and other safety systems aboard the offshore oil rig had been left disabled or unrepaired in the months leading up to the catastrophic April 20 blast.