death penalty

China Pledges Fewer Executions

Jul 29, 2009
China, which carries out more executions than any country -- Iran comes in a semi-close second -- is pledging to reduce the number of people killed by the state. While far from abolishing the death penalty, the government is narrowing the definition of execution-worthy crime.
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15 or Not, Alleged Pirate Will Be Tried as Adult

Apr 22, 2009
Whether or not Abduwali Abukhadir Muse is 15, as his father claims, he will be tried in New York as an adult for his alleged role in holding an American ship captain as a hostage. Muse's mother, on the other side of the world, has asked President Obama for mercy, or to at least let her be with her son.

Death Penalty Keeps U.S. in Bad Company

Mar 24, 2009
Here's a list of countries where you don't want to find yourself when it comes to human rights: Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, Iraq, Pakistan and the good ol' US of A Those six states execute more of their citizens than any others, according to Amnesty International's latest tally The U is the fourth-worst offender.

The Ugly America

Oct 29, 2008
“You really do hate America!” This was the parting shot from a man I had just debated on a television show shortly before the invasion of Iraq. Because he’s a notorious right-wing blowhard, I laughed it off as the raving of a crackpot in extremis.

Troy Davis and the Supreme Decision

Sep 25, 2008
Troy Anthony Davis was scheduled to die by lethal injection Tuesday. Two hours before the state of Georgia was to execute him, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay until Monday. It had earlier agreed to hear Davis' case on Sept. 29, but Georgia set his execution date six days before the hearing.

An Unlikely Pair Fight the Death Penalty

Jul 26, 2008
A now-retired California judge who sentenced nine men to death, Donald A. McCartin, and actor-activist Mike Farrell make "an unlikely pair," as they put it in this co-authored article. McCartin was once known as "the hanging judge of Orange County," while Farrell has long opposed the death penalty, but today they see eye to eye.

World Court Fights U.S. Executions

Jul 16, 2008
The International Court of Justice on Friday requested the US not execute five death-row inmates in a decision that will put both the U's controversial capital punishment policy and its historic rejection of international legal bodies in the global spotlight.