david petraeus

Breast Milk Protein Fights HIV

Oct 28, 2013
Scientists have discovered why only a small percentage of babies contract HIV when breastfed by mothers who have been infected with the virus; Taiwan's new police uniforms are extremely frightening; and David Petraeus is using his new position in academia to promote profiteering health care and fracking industries. These discoveries and more after the jump.
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Documentary Reveals Pentagon’s Ties to Iraq Torture Centers

Mar 17, 2013
The Guardian has released a full-length documentary on the ties between "dirty wars" veteran and retired Col. James Steele, who played a crucial role in setting up and overseeing a network of detention and torture centers in Iraq that committed some of the worst acts of torture, and the top brass at the Pentagon. The film reveals the link between a man who helped oversee a network of torture centers in Iraq and the Pentagon's top brass.

Birth Control Is the New Poison

Feb 25, 2013
Laws proposed this year include a bill whose proponent is an Oklahoma cardiologist who sees venomous effects in hormonal contraception for women; the Obama administration has created a policy that will allow more public access to federally financed research; meanwhile, an Italian newspaper claims Pope Benedict resigned thanks to pressure from a secret gay lobby. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Sucking Up to the Military Brass

Nov 29, 2012
Pruning a few bad apples from the upper branches of the military tree is going to do little enough when the rot extends to root and branch. Required is more radical surgery if America is to avoid ongoing debilitating conflicts and the disintegration of our democracy.

The Fall of the American Empire (Writ Small)

Nov 21, 2012
It couldn’t be clearer now that the "fall" of David Petraeus is playing out as farce of the first order. What’s less obvious is that America’s military golden boy and Caesar of celebrity was always smoke and mirrors, always the farce, even if the denizens of Washington didn’t know it.