david petraeus

Petraeus: ‘There Are Risks Beyond Iraq’

Apr 11, 2008
Gen David Petraeus tells NBC's Brian Williams that if ordered by the president to get out of Iraq, he could: "Absolutely I firmly believe whoever it is that is elected in the fall will sit down and look at the various interests, try to figure out the competing risks, because there are risks beyond Iraq".

Powell Salutes Obama, Worries About Wars

Apr 11, 2008
Gen. Colin Powell won't say who will get his vote this November, but on Thursday's "Good Morning America," the former secretary of state put in a good word for all three front-runners, praised Obama's Rev. Wright speech and worried that the U.S. armed forces are becoming "very, very stretched" by the protracted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bush Backs Petraeus’ Pause Plan

Apr 11, 2008
Despite some congressional resistance, it seems Gen. David Petraeus' recommended "pause" in U.S. troop withdrawals from Iraq will take effect after July. On Thursday, President Bush (whose approval ratings have plummeted to a new low) essentially deferred the withdrawal issue to his successor.
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Are We Closer to ?Victory??

Apr 10, 2008
Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of the American forces in Iraq, is more candid than his publicity agents. Unlike the senators and editorial writers who claim that the glorious "surge" should be hailed as one of the most successful military campaigns in history, he warns that the escalation's achievements are mixed at best.

CNN Reporter: Iraq Update ‘Frighteningly Disappointing’

Apr 9, 2008
The questions leveled by Senate members at Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Gen. David Petraeus during Tuesday's update session about Iraq failed to make the grade for Michael Ware, CNN's "Situation Room" correspondent. Ware declared the session "frighteningly disappointing," telling host Wolf Blitzer, "I just see a lot of oxygen being wasted here."

The Petraeus and Crocker Show

Apr 9, 2008
Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, President Bush's preferred spokesmen for his Iraq policy, found themselves in the middle of the presidential campaign Tuesday as they testified before two Senate committees on which candidates sit.

No Exit (Yet)

Apr 8, 2008
Gen. David Petraeus dug in his heels during a Senate hearing Tuesday, refusing to give specifics about additional U.S. troop withdrawal plans after July, recommending a "pause" instead and taking heat from congressional opponents like Carl Levin and Hillary Clinton in the process. Meanwhile, John McCain spoke of "real hope and optimism" for Iraq's future.

Surge Success at a Rate of $10 a Day

Jan 9, 2008
Here's an interesting idea for dampening insurgent violence in Iraq: Pay the would-be troublemakers to temporarily join America's side and watch the surge success reports roll in. That's the tactic the U.S. military has employed with some 70,000 former insurgents, according to this NPR report.

Giuliani ‘Even More Certain’ Now About Iraq War

Nov 28, 2007
Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani clearly shares a particular personality trait with President Bush: the kind of unassailable certainty that even evidence to the contrary can't uproot. Take his position on the Iraq war, for example, which he still believes -- even more so, now -- was the right move for the U.S. to have made.