
The Penny: That’s Just Our $.02

Aug 16, 2007
Now that U.S. pennies are more of a nuisance than a useful form of currency, given their ever-so-rapidly evaporating value (no offense, Honest Abe), and now that it costs the government nearly two cents to make each penny, why don't we just toss them altogether? (Hint: It has to do with lobbyists.)

Euro, Meet Urstromtaler

Feb 6, 2007
Regional currencies like the Urstromtaler have been springing up around Germany. Advocates hope that the alternate currencies will help to stimulate sagging local economies, support small businesses and encourage a sense of community.

China: Boom or Boomerang

Dec 3, 2005
At the same time that China is recording huge increases in trade surpluses and currency reserves, deadly riots are breaking out on the outskirts of some of the country's largest cities. In this Dig, scholar Orville Schell challenges the current wisdom about China being an inevitable superpower and unstoppable economic force.Schell challenges the current wisdom that China is an inevitable superpower and unstoppable economic force.