
Report: Rights Abuse Is Easing Under Raul

Jul 6, 2007
An independent Cuban human rights organization says Cuba has taken fewer and freed more political prisoners under the rule of Raul Castro, compared with his brother, Fidel. But the group says human rights abuses by the government are still a problem, as is the U.S. embargo, which it says imposes unnecessary hardship on the Cuban people.

Ray of Hope for Gitmo Detainees

Jun 29, 2007
After almost six years since suspected enemy combatants started serving time without being able to challenge their detainment at Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, the U.S. Supreme Court has changed its stance, giving prisoners -- and their lawyers -- some hope that their cases may eventually be heard.
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Gore Vidal on Cuba

May 14, 2007
The iconic author and historian speaks with Truthdig Editor Robert Scheer about his recent tour of Cuba, why he thinks the island has a bright future and why the United States, the world's only superpower, has an inferiority complex.

They Hate Us For Our Hypocrisy

May 11, 2007
The Bush administration says that its zero-tolerance policy against terrorism applies to all suspected evildoers, not just Muslims, and that its zero-tolerance policy against Cuba is a principled position, not just an exercise in pandering to the implacable anti-Castro exiles in Miami. On both counts, evidence suggests otherwise.

U.S. Investigates Michael Moore

May 11, 2007
The Treasury Department is investigating documentarian Michael Moore over a recent trip to Cuba that the government says may have violated the trade embargo. Moore brought a group of ailing 9/11 rescue workers to the island nation in making his latest film, "Sicko," an exploration of the healthcare system.

Cleared Detainees Stuck in Gitmo Limbo

Apr 29, 2007
Imagine enduring five years of imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay, finally winning your release and then learning you had no place to go Eighty-two detainees have been cleared for release by the US, but remain at the facility, either because their home countries refuse to take them or they would face torture if repatriated What's worse, the U, Europe and other allies have all but washed their hands of the situation.