
Olbermann and Obama on the Lies of the McCain Campaign

Sep 10, 2008
Part one of Keith Olbermann's interview with Barack Obama focused on the falsehoods of the McCain campaign. As Obama put it: "They're not telling the truth." The "Countdown" host followed with a question that's been uttered once or twice around our own offices: "Why do people hesitate to use the word lie about these things?"
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Clinton Talks Bin Laden, Scaife on Olbermann

Apr 22, 2008
Sen. Hillary Clinton paid a (virtual) visit Monday to Keith Olbermann's "Countdown," where she offered explanations for why she used an image of Osama bin Laden in her new campaign ad and why she accepted the support of Richard Mellon Scaife, the Pittsburgh-based media mogul who was once considered a key figure in the "vast right-wing conspiracy" against the Clintons during Bill's tenure in office.

Olbermann Slams New York Times

Jan 4, 2008
The New York Times made it onto Keith Olbermann's "worst person" list with the news that the paper had hired William Kristol: "You guys at the Times can hire any conservative columnist you want, but why did you pick the really dumb one?"

Keith Olbermann on Torture and Conspiracy

Nov 7, 2007
In another of his stirring commentaries, the "Countdown" host suggests that the story of Daniel Levin, who was fired from the Justice Department after he experienced waterboarding and called it torture, reveals that "the presidency of George W. Bush has now devolved into a criminal conspiracy to cover the ass of George W. Bush."

Chertoff’s Colon Our Last Defense?

Jul 17, 2007
Keith Olbermann rips homeland security czar Michael Chertoff a new, er, orifice, humorously parsing out what Bush's master of disaster could have been thinking when he announced he had a "gut feeling" a terror attack might be imminent despite having "no credible intelligence," in the words of a back-pedaling White House.

Olbermann Calls on Bush to Resign

Jul 4, 2007
In another of his not-to-be-missed special comments, Keith Olbermann takes the president to task over his commutation of "Scooter" Libby's sentence. The "Countdown" host compares Bush to Richard Nixon, who, he says, at least had the decency to resign once his abuse of power was exposed.