coral reef

Google a Reef and Help Save It

Aug 24, 2013
By making 360-degree panoramic underwater vision available to anyone who has a computer, scientists hope to alert many more people to the plight of the world’s coral reefs.
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Corals Face Extinction by 2100

Jul 12, 2013
New research suggests that by 2100 there will be no seawater left with the chemical properties that have supported coral reef growth in the past.

Acid Seas Make Corals Feeble

Jun 20, 2013
Two important habitats for marine life, coral reefs and eelgrass meadows, will endure warming and acidifying seas. But they will become vulnerable.

R.I.P. Gulf Coral Reefs

Nov 7, 2010
A team of scientists “on a research cruise” (what?) have discovered severe damage to coral reefs near the location of the Deepwater Horizon's blown-out wellhead. Coral, which is a barometer of the health of an ocean's ecosystem, was found to be “sloughing off tissues and producing mucus.” Gross.

Great Barrier’s Grief

Jan 2, 2009
Leave it to global warming to ruin both a day at the beach and an entire oceanic ecosystem. Researchers are blaming the environment's public enemy No. 1 as well as rising seawater acidity for what has been the slowest coral growth rate at the Great Barrier Reef in more than 400 years.