
Congressman Defends War Profits

May 16, 2007
Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., objects to the notion that it is improper to pay a private contractor four times as much as a U.S. soldier doing the same job: "It's actually somewhat of an insult, if I go down to Fort Stewart and tell 'em they're underpaid, because they're really not motivated by pay as much as they are by patriotism." If only Halliburton felt the same way.

‘Legal Stealing’

May 10, 2007
This is the four-minute highlight reel from "Iraq for Sale" that documentarian Robert Greenwald wanted to screen for Congress as part of his testimony. Republicans blocked him from doing so. If you haven't been following the outrageous war profiteering going on in Iraq -- like many of our elected officials -- this is a must-see clip.
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Oversight Hearing Reveals Contractor Abuses

Feb 8, 2007
Last year, the Army vehemently denied allegations that Halliburton had hired Blackwater, another private contractor, to provide security in Iraq, but in a hearing before the House Government Oversight Committee on Wednesday, the military reversed itself. The committee also made public an e-mail from a Blackwater employee who frantically demanded that the firm properly equip its guards, four of whom were killed hours after the message was written.

Military Fed Up With Civilian Agencies

Feb 7, 2007
The Pentagon has had it with picking up the slack from civilian agencies in Iraq, grumbling its concerns to the president and even Congress. The military has been forced to fill jobs that otherwise would be performed by civilians, mainly from the State Department, which, unlike the Army, can't force people to work under the nightmarish conditions it helped to create.

Satellite Spy Agency Gets Bilked

Feb 7, 2007
Spy satellites provide much of the intelligence community's raw data, whether snapshots of Iran's nuclear facilities or al-Qaida training camps. David Kaplan has the story on how the National Reconnaissance Office, the $7.5-billion-a-year agency that builds and operates the satellites, has had to contend with potentially massive fraud among its many contractors.

Tens of Millions Wasted in Iraq

Jan 31, 2007
The latest report from the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction says tens of millions of dollars have been wasted because of failure and fraud. Among other abuses, the report cites a never-used $48.3-million housing facility, complete with an Olympic-size swimming pool. If Willie Sutton were alive today, he'd head straight to Baghdad.

The Shadow Army

Dec 22, 2006
When debating troop levels in Iraq, one ought not to forget the countless bodyguards, interpreters, truck drivers and mercenaries scattered around the country. Apparently not even Central Command has a firm grasp of just how many civilian contractors are employed in Iraq -- a number that could be as high as 100,000.