
Why the Biggest Winners in the Hobby Lobby Case May Be the Koch Brothers

Mar 28, 2014
We may not get a Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood cases that challenge the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate until the end of June, but it’s probably not too early to project the biggest winners in the cases: brothers Charles and David Koch.It’s probably not too early to project the biggest winners in the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood cases: brothers Charles and David Koch.
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Birth Control Is the New Poison

Feb 25, 2013
Laws proposed this year include a bill whose proponent is an Oklahoma cardiologist who sees venomous effects in hormonal contraception for women; the Obama administration has created a policy that will allow more public access to federally financed research; meanwhile, an Italian newspaper claims Pope Benedict resigned thanks to pressure from a secret gay lobby. These discoveries and more after the jump.