
Lieberman Twists the Knife

Oct 28, 2009
Is there a more hypocritical figure in American politics than Joe Lieberman? The Connecticut senator declared Tuesday that he would support a filibuster of any health care reform bill that has a public option -- even the version with the “trigger” compromise accepted by Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe -- because it might cost money. Is there a more hypocritical figure in American politics than Joe Lieberman?

Connecticut Same-Sex Couples Begin to Wed

Nov 12, 2008
In the face of California's unsettling passage of Proposition 8 barring gay marriage, gay couples in Connecticut are beginning to exercise their equal rights after a final court hearing cleared the way for same-sex unions, ending a long legal battle in the Constitution State.
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Conn. Court Overturns Anti-Gay Marriage Law

Oct 10, 2008
The Supreme Court of Connecticut joined the ranks of California and Massachusetts on Friday to (finally) legalize same-sex marriage. The decision comes at a potentially prickly time as the presidential election looms, although both John McCain and Barack Obama have, so far, exerted little rhetorical effort to make gay rights a wedge issue in the campaign.

Lieberman to Speak at GOP Convention

Aug 21, 2008
Here's some news that's bound to spark outrage from within the Democratic ranks: None other than Sen. Joe Lieberman, "Independent Democrat" and vice presidential candidate on the 2000 Democratic ticket, is slated to speak at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Minnesota.

The Changing Face of Joe Lieberman

Jun 26, 2008
Ever since he received President Bush's official smooch of approval, Sen. Joe Lieberman has moved much more aggressively to the right, putting some of the more hawkish types from his new crowd to shame with his saber-rattling rhetoric about Iran. Here, the Brave New Films team charts Lieberman's nearly complete transformation in recent years.

Lieberman In Decline

Apr 8, 2008
While he continues to get tremendous support from Republicans (go figure), Joe Lieberman is on the outs with Democrats and independents in his home district, according to a new poll. Were an election held today, 74 percent of Democrats would vote for Ned Lamont, while the same percentage of Republicans would vote for Lieberman over their own candidate.

One State at a Time

Feb 20, 2007
New Jersey's civil union law has now taken effect, allowing same-sex couples many of the rights afforded by marriage. California, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and to some extent Maine offer similar protections.

Daily Kos: Why Lieberman Website Crashed

Aug 8, 2006
Aides to Sen. Joe Lieberman accused Ned Lamont's campaign Tuesday morning -- with no evidence -- of attacking and bringing down Lieberman's website. But Markos (of Daily Kos) seems to have found the real culprit: Lieberman's $15-a-month web hosting company went down, along with all its clients. (Thanks to reader "publius" for the link.) Check out Lieberman's unfounded accusations What an oddly petty conclusion to a race that has hinged on the most consequential of all topics.

Lieberman’s Last Stand: Scare Tactics

Aug 8, 2006
With mere hours to go before the Connecticut primary vote, Sen. Joe Lieberman said a victory for challenger Ned Lamont would send a message to the country: ?In the Democratic Party, there?s no room for strong-on-security Dems.? Actually, a victory for Lamont would send a message that there's no room in the party for Dems who coddle President Bush as he exploits the so-called war on terror to launch imperialist misadventures.