
Letting Tarzan Swing Through History

Jul 20, 2016
Tarzan’s remarkable foresight in vanquishing the Belgian evildoers before the worst of King Leopold II's reign of terror opens the door for his future films, where our hero stops historical catastrophes in their early stages.
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The Horror, the Horror

Feb 28, 2014
If the Congolese can maintain hope in their horrific circumstances, and journalists like Michael Deibert literally risk their lives to bring us their stories, then it's our human obligation to read them.If the Congolese can maintain hope in horrific circumstances, and journalists like Michael Deibert risk their lives to bring us their stories, then it's our human obligation to read them.

Good News for Pregnant Women in Republic of Congo

Sep 19, 2013
Although more than half of the women in the world who die during childbirth perish in sub-Saharan Africa, the Republic of Congo’s government has efficiently allotted funds toward improving infant delivery conditions. The results have been a 50 percent decrease in maternal deaths in the past 10 years.