
Fact-Checking McCain’s ‘Ayers’ Commercial

Oct 12, 2008
In this time of confusion and strife, it's a good thing there's to shine a light through the political fog that surrounds us all. Or something like that. Anyway, the FactCheck folks took a close look at the McCain campaign's shadowy little commercial number, "Ayers," and found it to be problematic on several counts.

Obama Buys His Own TV Special

Oct 10, 2008
Flush with cash, Barack Obama has purchased air time on at least two networks for a half-hour special to air a week before the election. No word yet on how much a half-hour of prime-time sweeps air costs, but it's certainly more than Ross Perot paid back in '92.
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Introducing Sarah Palin, Minus a Few Key Details

Sep 3, 2008
Here's the hopeful commercial the McCain campaign recently released to introduce Sarah Palin to voters around the country, featuring a hopeful soundtrack and bittersweet reminders of a more hopeful time in the McCain presidential campaign -- as in, five days ago -- when Palin was really, really new to McCain too!

Obama = Britney = Paris. Say What?

Jul 31, 2008
Do you think that when John McCain helped craft the legislation requiring "I approved this message" at the end of political ads he could have envisioned himself attaching his name and approval to this silliness? Behold, McCain's attempt to elevate the discourse by likening his opponent to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.

Clinton?s New 3 A.M. Ad

Apr 3, 2008
Hillary Clinton's latest ad reprises her 3 a.m. theme, only this time she's taking calls on the economy. The most interesting thing about this commercial is its target: not Barack Obama, who has just surpassed Clinton in one poll in Pennsylvania, but John McCain. Update: McCain responds.