colbert report

Author Schools Colbert on Race

Mar 16, 2007
In this recent clip from "The Colbert Report," author Michael Eric Dyson instructs the show's self-professedly "colorblind" host about the differences between race, bigotry and racism. Displaying his keen sense of racial sensitivity, Stephen Colbert claims that the only way he knows he's a white man is "because I have a late-night talk show."
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Viacom’s $1B YouTube Smackdown

Mar 13, 2007
YouTube, you're on notice! Viacom put a damper on the Google-YouTube honeymoon by slapping the online video giant with a $1-billion lawsuit Tuesday. The suit follows YouTube's previous tussles with Viacom, the parent company of the MTV, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central networks, over unauthorized Web use of clips from shows such as "The Colbert Report" and "South Park."

Hedges Explores Colbert’s Alternate Reality

Feb 12, 2007
Here at Truthdig, we can't get enough of Chris Hedges and his takedown of the radical Christian right. (See our interview with him.) So here's the "American Fascists" author (No. 29 at holding his own against Stephen Colbert's absurdist onslaught. Jump for videos.

Colbert Forces Conservative Author to Stand By His Title

Jan 18, 2007
While out on the warm and fuzzy interview circuit, right-wing authors far too often get away with making an outrageous claim without so much as a legitimate follow-up question. In this clip, Stephen Colbert refuses to let his guest, Dinesh D'Souza, back away from the assertion that tolerance and liberals are in some way responsible for 9/11.

Stephen Colbert’s ‘Factiness’

Jan 10, 2007
Adjusting to an altered political landscape, the "Report" host has been forced to craft a new word for his growing arsenal: "Now, since the beginning of my show, I've led a crusade against facts. Too often, they upset the truth that's in your gut. But that was when the Republicans were in power. Their version of reality was worth ignoring facts for. Now the Democrats are running the show, and their version of reality is, unfortunately, based on reality."