clarence thomas

Clarence Thomas on Rights, Miraculous Dishwashers

Apr 13, 2009
Perhaps his rather unpleasant experience in the public eye during his 1991 confirmation hearings has something to do with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' taciturnity, but he recently gave a roomful of high school students a rare peek at his more private side, discussing what he does when he's blue and whether Americans feel too entitled to their rights.
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Justice Is Blinded by Rage

Oct 4, 2007
If American politics is "an arena for angry minds," then Clarence Thomas is in the right business. His new autobiography is filled with the predictable narcissism, but also a rage that raises questions about the merit of the lifetime appointment.

Justice for Sale?

Oct 3, 2007
The Supreme Court, arguably the most powerful institution in our democracy, manages to fly a bit under the radar. Take, for example, the $1.5-million advance Rupert Murdoch paid Clarence Thomas to write a book. Conflict of interest, perhaps? The Nation's Jon Wiener thinks so.

Unmaking History

Jun 29, 2007
It's time for those of us who are old enough to remember when the U.S. Supreme Court was a major force for racial integration and justice to stop living in the past. We need to realize that, for the foreseeable future, any progress our increasingly diverse country makes toward fairness and equality will come in spite of the nation's highest court, not because of it.

Two Kidnapped U.S. Soldiers Tortured, Killed

Jun 21, 2006
The new leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Hamza al Muhajer, claimed responsibility for the killings, dealing a setback to U.S. efforts to seize momentum against Al Qaeda in the wake of killing Muhajer's predecessor, Abu Musab al Zarqawi. Meanwhile, violence continued unabated in Iraq, with at least 18 people killed in attacks nationwide.