civil rights movement

A Freedom Budget for All Americans

Aug 18, 2013
Advanced in 1966 by central leaders of the activist wing of the civil rights movement, the "Freedom Budget for All Americans" promised the full and final triumph of the movement by going beyond civil rights and linking the goal of racial justice for African Americans with the goal of economic justice for all Americans.

Marriage Equality and White Supremacy

Jun 27, 2013
The danger in the Supreme Court's dismantling of the Defense of Marriage Act is of the LGBTQ community being seduced into the mainstream and forgetting the plight of the oppressed just as it becomes more broadly accepted.
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Letter From Birmingham Jail

May 19, 2013
May 19 marks the 50th anniversary of the first publication of Martin Luther King Jr’s plea for white Americans to recognize the rights and humanity of their black fellow citizens We reprint his letter in full’s plea for Americans to recognize the rights and humanity of their black fellow citizens.

The Glenn Beck-Sarah Palin Rally to Un-Pervert MLK

Aug 20, 2010
There's almost too much crazy going on here to cope, but Media Matters does a bang-up job of explaining how Sarah Palin (who told Dr Laura N-Word "don't retreat reload!") and Glenn Beck are planning to "reclaim the civil rights movement" with a rally on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "dream" speech.