civil liberties

Maryland Police Keep You Safe From Terrorist Nuns

Dec 8, 2008
How did two nuns end up on a list of terrorists? Blame a now-defunct investigation by the Maryland State Police, who sent undercover troopers to spy on political groups and identify supposed terrorists, among them pacifists, environmentalists, a congressional candidate and those two feisty nuns. Update

E-Speech: The (Uncertain) Future of Free Expression

Oct 29, 2008
As tools like the Web, e-mail, voice over IP, Internet video, mobile phones and peer-to-peer file sharing become increasingly vital to our lives, limitations on speech and threats to our privacy are becoming increasingly important civil rights issues.
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FBI Coming to a Public Location Near You

Sep 14, 2008
The Justice Department was dotting the i's and crossing the t's on Friday on a new set of rules designed to help FBI agents zero in on potential national security threats within the U.S., allowing them to gather information in public places -- and even conduct interviews -- without identifying themselves.

By George W. Bush

Jun 16, 2008
If authoring a war against innocent civilians abroad and civil liberties at home wasn't enough, George W. Bush is toying with the idea of writing a book upon leaving the Oval Office in January.

Tim Robbins on Orwell, Obama and the Media

Jun 3, 2008
It's usually a reliable sign that a once-original idea has been utterly stripped of its impact by the time it becomes the premise for a reality television show. Not so for "Big Brother." Several seasons of that particular televised train wreck have come and gone, and besides, Apple Computer also cashed in on the whole surveillance paranoia theme ages ago. Big Brother is watching. We get it.

Chavez: ‘There Is No Dictatorship Here’

Dec 3, 2007
Hugo Chavez sounded an optimistic note Monday after ending up on the losing end of a vote -- by a slim 51 to 49 percent margin -- that would have expanded his constitutional powers as Venezuela's president and instituted changes in federal fund allocation and labor policy, among other proposed developments.

NYT: Bush Has Shredded Constitution Since 9/11

Oct 15, 2007
In a scathing editorial on Sunday, The New York Times accused President Bush of playing on the nation's post-9/11 fears in order to justify violating our civil liberties and protecting big telecom companies implicated in his wiretapping scheme. The Bush camp "use[d] the nation's tragedy to grab ever more power for its vision of an imperial presidency," the Times editorial board charged.

You Have No Rights

Aug 14, 2007
Matthew Rothschild, editor of The Progressive and author of "You Have No Rights," explains how our president became a "medieval king," and why your civil liberties are in greater danger than ever.