
BattleCry: Ron Luce’s Holy War

May 23, 2006
Truthdig contributor Sunsara Taylor reports again from the front lines -- a BattleCry Christian-fundamentalist rock music rally, where a "sexpert" claims that "condoms don't work," Navy SEALs stage mock assassination raids in the name of Christ, and evangelist Franklin Graham suggests that HIV/AIDS is a punishment from God (Third in a series See: column 1, column 2) .
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Conservative Christians Warn Republicans Against Inaction

May 15, 2006
Evangelical Christians, the president's base, are warning that they may withhold their support in the midterm elections unless Congress does more to oppose same-sex marriage, obscenity and abortion If you want to see where ideas like these take hold, check out Truthdig's coverage of the Christian fundamentalist BattleCry concerts (part 1 and 2) .

Fear and Loathing at Philadelphia’s BattleCry

May 13, 2006
Go behind the scenes at a Christian fundamentalist youth rock show in Philadelphia, where hired goons shadowed a young activist, the author of this column, and where a letter of praise from President Bush kicked off the festivities "This must have been what it felt like to watch the Hitler Youth," writes Sunsara Taylor(Second column in a series of three First column here, Third column here).

Battle Cry for Theocracy

May 12, 2006
A young activist explores the frightening world of a Christian evangelical youth movement that is holding rock concerts and rallies at city halls nationwide this weekend "If you?ve been waiting to get alarmed until the Christian fascist movement started filling stadiums with young people and hyping them up to do battle in 'God?s army,' wait no longer" (First column a series of three Second column here, third column here).

Easter: The Resurrection (with Questions)

Apr 13, 2006
Hallelujah! Easter is almost here. Aren't you glad? What's that low sigh I hear? Ohhhhh that's right, you're one of those progressive Christians. Easter is probably the most conflicted time of the year among progressive churches, even more so than Christmas. Even a progressive Christian can reasonably assert that Jesus was really born, even as the debate goes on among others about how he was born. But this is not so with Easter. Either he was resurrected or he was not. And when we say he was not, then someone somewhere will quote I Corinthians 15:12 to us, "Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead?"