center for american progress
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Progressives on the Take

Dec 18, 2013
The Podesta brothers are the faces of the so-called progressive wing of the Democratic Party that, like the president himself, will talk a good game of reducing income inequality, while catering to the interests of the very corporations that have initiated the problem. How can President Obama be so right and so wrong in the same moment?

Mike Farrell on Troy Davis and Political Cowardice

Sep 16, 2011
On this week's episode of Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Mike Farrell on Troy Davis, the battle for Latino voters, 9/11 by the numbers and Robert Scheer on America's record poverty.On this week's Truthdig Radio: Mike Farrell on Troy Davis, the battle for Latino voters, 9/11 by the numbers and Robert Scheer on America's record poverty.

Washington: Still a Boy’s Town

Jul 18, 2011
Women's lib hasn't made it through Washington yet. Micah Zenko at Foreign Policy magazine looked at the percentages of females holding leadership roles related to foreign policy and national security and found that women remain vastly underrepresented among our nation's policymakers. (more)