
Larry’s List

Nov 26, 2009
We're kicking off a new feature. Get the best of the Net from Larry Gross. Tonight: Internet for Nobel Prize, secrets of the Kremlin, augmented reality art, charges against nude model dropped, and more.

Psychology, Metaphors and You

Sep 29, 2009
Can you tell your metaphors from your synecdoches? These terms may trigger bad freshman English flashbacks, but at least when it comes to metaphors, they're more important than you might think; in fact, they might just be intrinsic to how you think.

Workaholics Risk Dementia, Study Finds

Feb 26, 2009
Those who have lost their jobs can take solace in the fact that although working may put food on the table, it can also break your brain. A study has found that busy bees who labor more than 55 hours a week develop problems with reasoning, memory and vocabulary, and the problems get worse the more they work.
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NFL Players Risk More Than Broken Bones

Jan 29, 2009
Scientists have made new discoveries about the traumatic head injuries sustained by football players, including Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, who will play in the Super Bowl this Sunday. Just one concussion can lead to dementia-like symptoms years later and multiple incidents can bring about severe brain damage and perhaps even drug addiction or suicide.

Kennedy Goes Under the Knife

Jun 2, 2008
Ted Kennedy was to undergo brain surgery Monday morning as part of an aggressive course of treatment for his recently diagnosed cancer. According to the Boston Globe, the senator met with a panel of experts that included representatives of the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute, as well as his own doctors.

Pentagon Sweeps 20,000 Veterans Under the Rug

Nov 24, 2007
Roughly 20,000 soldiers who aren't on the military's list of combat wounded have signs of brain injury, according to an analysis of Army, Navy and Veterans Affairs data conducted by USA Today. The Pentagon's official tally of troops who've suffered brain trauma in combat is 4,471 -- one-fifth the total gleaned from military records.

Finding God in the Brain

Oct 9, 2007
Is having a religious experience a matter of stimulating a particular area of the brain? The God-o-thalamus, perhaps? (Er, sorry.) Neuroscientists at the University of Montreal are studying functional MRI (fMRI) scans to see if they can locate such an area and then, perhaps, artificially induce a heavenly state of mind.